about us
Massy is a historic Caribbean company. From its early beginnings over one hundred years ago, Massy has built its business on serving customers with pride, quality and exceptional service. Over the years the company has grown by acquiring a myriad of business, offering great service and products.

The Massy Foundation (Trinidad & Tobago)
The Massy Foundation (Trinidad & Tobago) was formed in 1979, two decades before the United Nations challenged companies to begin directing their attention toward Corporate Social Responsibility. Massy's leadership at the time must be credited for their vision, which sought to encompass more than the traditional focus on shareholder value. Even then, Massy was living up to its vision of being A Force For Good – Creating Value, Transforming Life.
From inception, the Foundation has been focused on poverty alleviation, and the relief of suffering and distress for disadvantaged persons across Trinidad and Tobago. The Foundation’s particular focus, when created, was to assist in the functionality of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), schools and religious bodies.
The Foundation was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on June 18, 1979 and was continued under the provisions of the Companies’ Act, 1995 on April 16, 1999. It is approved by the Board of Inland Revenue as a charity under Section 6 of the Corporation taxes Act. The registered office of the Company is situated at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Its “members” are the Massy Group’s subsidiaries who recommend appointments to the Board. The Board is independent of Massy and makes appointments to fill casual vacancies. The Chairman is elected from among the Directors and is independent of the contributing members of the Massy Group.

The Massy Foundation derives funding from subsidiary companies. Under Deed of Covenant, each company/division is responsible for paying 1% of its pre-tax profits. With these pre-tax profits, the Foundation adds to its reserve fund for investment into pledges, scholarships, and donations.
Our Scope has expanded to include:
- Youth
- Education
- Arts & Culture
- Sport
- Health & Wellness
- Community Development, and
- Employee Engagement
with the common thread of nation-building and sustainability running through everything that we do.
Applying for Assistance
Funding consideration is given to:
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
- Schools
- Churches
- Sporting Bodies
- Children’s and Senior Citizen Homes
To apply for funding, organizations are required to:
- complete the official Massy Foundation application form
- provide detailed information including:
- - the objectives of their planned project
- - the anticipated outcomes
- - an itemized budget
- - the projected timeline.
If successful in obtaining funding, recipients are required to provide reports either during and/or at the end of their project, indicating the actual outcomes and detailing any major successes or challenges.
Click here for our application form ( completed forms to be emailed to foundation.tt@massygroup.com)

Massy Foundation (Barbados)
The establishment of a Massy Foundation in Barbados, with a Board of Directors as well as an operating framework for its effective management represents an important step in fulfilling Massy's purpose as A Force for Good – Creating Value, Transforming Life. The work of the Foundation positively demonstrates the Massy Group’s commitment to Barbados, beyond its business engagement activities via developmental initiatives and social causes.
The primary focus of the Foundation is on Education, Youth & Skills Development, Health & the Environment, Humanitarian Causes, and Arts & Culture. In addition, the Massy Foundation will provide tangible support to any authorized initiative under the Massy C.A.R.E.S. signature, including, but not limited to:
- Massy signature programmes which fit within the focus areas for its internal or external stakeholders,
- Group Employee Volunteer Programmes

Funding & Management
The Foundation is funded by annual endowments will be allocated of one (1) percent of the pre-tax profits of Massy’s operating companies in Barbados. The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors made up of independent members and Massy executives. Independent members are retired Massy Group executives and/or community leaders who are chosen for their expertise in one or all the focus areas and/or interest in community service.
Applying for Assistance
To apply for funding, organizations are required to:
- complete the official Massy Foundation application form
- provide detailed information including:
- the objectives of their planned project
- the anticipated outcomes
- an itemized budget
- the projected timeline.
If successful in obtaining funding, recipients are required to provide reports either during and/or at the end of their project, indicating the actual outcomes and detailing any major successes or challenges.
Download form here ( completed forms to be emailed to massyfoundation.bb@massygroup.com )
Who we are

The Massy Group is inspired by our Purpose. We are committed to leading the way for positive change in our region.
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With over 60 operating companies across three main portfolios and legacy lines of business, the Group can leverage significant synergies and deliver growth and value for stakeholders. Massy is a public company which is traded on the Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica Stock Exchanges.
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Whether you are a student or an experienced professional, discover what you can do and find your place at Massy.